It’s a Surprise! on the Food Network was conceived and executuve produced by Allen/Nee Productions. Each show hosted by Marc Summers, is based on throwing someone a surprise party and at each party the food was the “star of the show.” This was an innovative way to infuse food prep with emotion and excitement. In this episode, “Just Married – Again,” a couple who had been married 33 years is surprised with a wedding ceremony they had always dreamed of but never had. Features a cake designed by renowned baker Sylvia Weinstock.
Myrtle Potter is a renowned expert in the field of consumer healthcare. Allen/Nee was thrilled to produce 12 informative pieces for the Everyday Health Website, Youtube channel and the Accent Health network. Concise and energetic, Myrtle and Allen/Nee created easy to understand segments about complicated healthcare topics.
This demo for LiveWell Networks was conveived, written, and produced by Allen/Nee Productions. Fresh graphics and footage were integrated with existing shows to create a cohesive sales tape for the successful network sales launch.
These episodes of “All You” Magazine were monthy features that aired on “Walmart TV.” Snappy, clever descriptions captured the essense of the magazine.